
Tubicom for Lucca Biennale Cartasia

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Tubicom for Lucca Biennale Cartasia

Lucca will soon turn its spotlight on the 10th edition of Lucca Biennale Cartasia entitled "Fear & Desire".

Outdoor and indoor exhibitions with monumental sculptures, architectures, as well as a rich program of conferences and workshops dedicated to the world of paper.
A place where meet and discovery for hundreds of artists and thousands of visitors who will have the opportunity to explore the deep roots of the papermaking tradition of Lucca.

Tubicom is proud to have taken part in the project. We look forward to seeing you in August and September for a visit to the exhibition and the various installations.

For more info, please visit the official website:
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Dear Customers and Suppliers,
we would like to inform you that Tubicom has recently moved its operations and logistics centre to a new location. Here are the new contact details:

📍 Via Colligiana 32, 51019 PONTE BUGGIANESE (PT)
📞 +39 0572 386796

Please update your files with our new address and telephone number. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward to seeing you soon at our new plant!
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