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MobaEurotubi confirms that, in the early hours of Thursday 15th June 2023, it suffered an attack on its IT structure that affected the functionality of its centrally managed IT services, including its email service.

Thanks to timely intervention and the security measures implemented, the negative impact of the cyber attack has been reduced.
Operations at production sites continue to run smoothly despite limited disruption. Our technicians are working tirelessly to gradually and fully restore the functionality of all services that were temporarily interrupted.

However, as MobaEurotubi cannot exclude the possibility of a data breach in its databases, it advises all its stakeholders to be extremely vigilant in the management of all communications coming from/on behalf of MobaEurotubi and invites to contact us immediately in case of doubt and/or anomalous information (such as the communication of IBAN details that are different from the usual ones). For any further information, please contact your direct person in charge to their mobile numbers or contact the headquarters at +39 031 200295 or by email to 

We will keep you updated on the situation.
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Dear Customers and Suppliers,
we would like to inform you that Tubicom has recently moved its operations and logistics centre to a new location. Here are the new contact details:

📍 Via Colligiana 32, 51019 PONTE BUGGIANESE (PT)
📞 +39 0572 386796

Please update your files with our new address and telephone number. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.
Thank you for your attention and we look forward to seeing you soon at our new plant!
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